Complaints Procedure


The Governors of The Victoria Almshouses have updated their procedures for handling complaints from residents to reflect changes introduced by The Housing Ombudsman’s Complaints Handling Code that came into effect on 1st September 2020.

Whilst the Governors do their utmost to deal with issues as they arise we accept that on occasion things do not always go as we would wish. In such circumstances we will seek to resolve problems as quickly as is reasonably possible. This Complaints Procedure sets out how we will seek to resolve those occasions when things go wrong.

Definition of a complaint

The Code defines a complaint as:

An expression of dissatisfaction, however made, about the standard of service, actions or lack of action by the organization, its own staff, or those acting on its behalf, affecting an individual resident or group of residents.

The Governors may not consider :

  • complaints about historic issues that occurred six or more months prior to their being bought to their attention or
  • where legal proceedings have been started or
  • matters that have previously been considered under their complaints policy.

Making a complaint

Complaints should, in the first instance, be made to the Manager or a Governor. They can be made verbally, in writing or by e-mail. At the present time there is no provision for complaints to be made through the charity’s website.

The Manager will keep a log of all complaints received.

Procedure, timeliness & Responsiveness


Mr Peter Diggles has been nominated as the member of the Board responsible for complaint handling.

Mr Diggles may be contacted on 07429 114681 or at

The Nominated Governor (Mr Diggles) will acknowledge the complaint. In acknowledging the complaint the Nominated Governor will confirm their understanding of the complaint and the outcome being sought by the resident. If uncertain the Nominated Governor may seek clarification of the issue.

The Governors will seek to resolve the problem keeping the resident informed of the action being taken.

In the event that we are unable to remedy the complaint the resident may appeal to the Chairman of the Board or the Vice Chairman who will convene a sub-committee comprising a minimum of three Governors to hear the resident’s complaint and continued concerns.

The resident will be entitled to attend the sub-committee meeting and explain their reasons for the complaint and why they are dissatisfied with the outcome. The resident may be accompanied by a friend, other resident or representative for support.

The Chairman of the sub-committee will advise the resident of their decision and the action and anticipated timescale, if required, to be taken to resolve the issue.

The resident may, if still dissatisfied, appeal to the Housing Ombudsman Service.


The Governors will seek to deal with all complaints in a timely manner and within the following timescale:

• Logging and acknowledgement of complaint – within five working days.
• Decision on action proposed to resolve the complaint – within ten working days of the complaint.
• In the case of an appeal to the Chairman or Vice Chairman – within 20 working
days of the request to appeal

There may be occasions when the above timescales cannot be met. In these cases an explanation of the reasons for any delay will be given. In any event the delay will be limited to ten working days.


The Governors will write to the resident detailing the outcome of the complaint with the reasons for their decision. The Governors will set out the steps to be taken to remedy the problem and any outstanding actions.

Before finalising the decision a resident will be offered the opportunity to make clear their position, the outcome they are seeking and comment on any adverse findings before the final decision is made.

Our response will include how the resident can appeal at each stage if dissatisfied with the outcome.

Unacceptable behaviour

The Governors will not tolerate abusive or unacceptable behaviour towards their staff, contractors, other residents or Governors.

Continious learning and improvement

The Governors will review all complaints at their Quarterly Board Meetings noting the grounds for the complaint, what went wrong, the remedy, any outstanding issues and any changes to services proposed.

The Governors will include a comment on their learning and improvement from complaints in their Annual Report.

Housing ombudsman service

As well as offering residents an opportunity to appeal the Governors’ decisions the Service is able to support residents throughout the process.

The service can be contacted by post, telephone, e-mail or through their website:

Housing Ombudsman Service
PO Box 152
L33 7WQ

Tel: 0300 111 3000
Web site:

When residents contact the Ombudsman they should state their full name and address, telephone number and e-mail address together with details of their complaint.

Updated : October 2020